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Oskar is back home!!

Mickey is so happy to have his best buddy back home again and don't know what to do with himself. They rushed as they were going to hug but they started gruffing instead. Boys :-) Mickey even lost his cap in the excitement!

"Look at all the stuff I got in Las Vegas! I got this slotmachine from all my Aunts I met at the Konvention."

"Kool! Did you play in Vegas? Won anything?"

"And I caught a big salmon in Tacoma too. I had a great time and wish you could have been there Mickey!"

"WAAOWW, with such big fish I wish I were too!"

"Hey, who are you??" 
"I'm Ryan and I moved here while you were out of town."
"Nice meeting you!"

Ryan checked out all the other things Oskar brought back home from Washington and his Auntie Laurel. 
"A Hockeypuck-chair! This is KOOL!" 
The teddy was also a gift from his Aunts in Seattle. 

"We got some skooters while you've been gone too" Mickey and Ryan took Oskar to the playground to show their new toys. 

My two golfer boys. Rasmus that is going to be a pro when he grows up and Tommy are going for a golfround. 

My two career-girls. :-) No, they are too small, but these toycars are great for make-beliefs and Shelly always wanted to be a mailman or carry post by horse in the Pony Express. 
And of course my Indian kid is a taxidriver, like Daddy... (I've seen Men in Black too many times... LOL!)

Vicky shows off her new bike. She loves the sunny yellow color it has. 

The newest kid in town - for the moment - Kilshandra is showing some tiny bears Kat found last summer. They are itty bitty. 

She is sitting on a very dirty plastic plate.... Kat keeps her coffeemug there to protect the table from getting stained... 

Linda is leaving for her first 

World Tour

Saying goodbye to Kiruna. This is a few weeks before her departure. Downtown with Erik.

Here they sit on one of those big ptarmigans made of concrete. This is a male bird - you see that on his black and red eye. 

A closer look of my "babies". Don't think Erik would agree on that as he is soon turning 8... 

And a closer look at Linda. Check out her glasses.... 

A trip downtown the day before leaving. Elin, Erik and Lisa (kid next door) are having an icecream. Can you see Linda?  She licked on my cup - to the right. 

First try to say Bye to the Midnight Sun. Was a bit too far away... 

... so we did another try the Midsummerweekend. Sunday 22nd of June. 
Linda climbed up a tree to get a better look. ( took this shot with a flash or she would have disappeared in the shadows.) 

Taken at 11.45. Just before midnight. 


Two shots of our mountains below the sun. This is towards the Norwegian border - northwest of town. 

Sweden's highest mountain. Kebnekajsemassivet. It's 80km from where we are standing. Sydtoppen - the highest peak - is 2111m. 

Turning the look a bit closer. This is "Lokstallet". Our houses are in the greenery there. 

And this is our new Tourist attraction. Some wind 'powerstations' that are placed just outside town, but right in the sight of Kebnekajse when you are ontop our citymountain. These are the only ones in Sweden (so far) that are painted. They are light blue to melt in with the skies. 

Linda looking out over town and the mine - LKAB. 

A closer look at Kirunavaara and the LKAB-area. 

Here Linda is picking some "Skogsstjärnor" or if I'd translate it straight: Forest Stars. Beautiful name, don't you think? This shot is taken a few minutes before midnight - without a flash! Took one with and it looks like she has the sun in her face! 


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