Skipper's® Friends
Skipper was alone for one year before her friends Skooter and Ricky made friends with her at school. In the first 10 years a lot of friends came and went, before she found her dearest friend in 1989; Courtney who have stayed put since. Skipper have shared body molds with all her friends, and headmolds with most of them. 1965 saw the "birth" of Skooter
and Ricky
with straight legs. The two dolls had new headmolds. This
is so fun with the earliest years, that every doll had
his or her own face and didn't share it with anyone else.
If you had a Skooter, it WAS a Skooter, not a redheaded
Skipper with a new look. Skooter and Ricky's heads are copyright marked 1963, same as Skipper's head. Fluff came in 1971 "Living" the life of her time with Skipper, and so did Tiff a year later. These girls had the same face, but with a totally different appearance. Fluff had short blonde curly hair in two pigtails and brown eyes with rooted eyelashes, Tiff was a redhead with long straight hair and brown eyes sans the lashes. They have the cutest little closed smile with big round cheeks. They are just adorable! Skipper was "Growing up" with a new friend in 1976, a brunette girl named Ginger. She had the same face as Skipper with brown eyes. When you turned their arm they grew a barely inch and developed breasts. The next to make friends with Skipper not only did that, HE was her first boyfriend. Scott arrived on roller blades as Super Teen Skipper's boyfriend in 1980. He had a BIG brown rooted hairdo as the fashions were at the time. Scott had the same body markings as Ken (©1966), but his body was a shrinked version of Ken's made of a thin vinyl with no bendlegs and one straight and one bent arm. Courtney was next in the line of friends and has been since 1989. She has shared all face changes that Skipper have gone through, and body molds too. In 1991 a new guy came to town, Kevin. He
also had the same markings as Ken on his body (©1966) - a bit smaller, but bigger than
Scott's. He had big blue eyes and his molded hair was
painted in two shades in five of the six issues. He had
nonbendlegs and straight arms. The last girl to have joined Skipper is the first African American friend she's had: Nikki. She shares head- and bodymold with Teen Skipper and is a gorgeous young lady. |
Ricky was the first male friend of
Skipper. He looks just like a little brother of Allan
with his red hair and that loose fringe on the forehead. 1965 SL Ricky Ricky headmold |
This is an interesting guy; he is
Skipper's first Boyfriend! He must have taken SuperTeen
Skippers heart by storm. As her first love it didn't last
long and he was gone after one year only. Scott
headmold |
Kevin found his place
in Skipper's heart some years after Scott vanished, and
stayed there for six years. Kevin headmold |
This should have been a presentation of
Teen Zach, the new guy in Skipper's young life, but he is
delayed - perhaps too much school work?
And shown to never be produced!!
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