Kelly: Halloween Party (Target), ©2004 This year, I for some
reason had a hard time acquirering all the dolls (at least getting them on
hand, they might be staying somewhere in ther US at "friends" that aren't
releasing them for one reason or another - some are on me, some definitely
on them as they get impossible to communicate with). Either way. Right now,
I have two on hand, could have a third (the Tiger) but she somehow got pass
me in this recent Swedish auction. Glad to have Erica to help me show the
ones I am missing myself. There are six dolls (only five on Kerstie's box,
but the AA Kelly witch is the sixth). More and detailed photos in my (Swedish) blog. © Dolls and photos all belong to me, unless otherwise noted.
Kelly Club: Halloween Party (Target), ©2004
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Photos courtesy of Erica King:
B6486 Kelly is a Witch!, ©2004