The My Scene dolls first appearance was made with a blownup head with a
pouty closed mouth. They were from the beginning, Barbie, Chelsea and
Madison. Later Nolee and Nia joined them and Barbie was swapped for Kennedy. Even
later another blonde, Delancey appeared.
My Scene
Copyright: 2002(?)


My Scene - Shopping Spree Barbie

My Scene - Hanging Out Barbie |

My Scene - Totally Charmed Kennedy

My Scene - Icy Bling(?) Kennedy

My Scene - Spring Break Madison

My Scene - Shopping Spree Madison

K3172 My Scene Swappin' Styles Westley, 2006
Photographed through box plastic

My Scene - Masquerade Madness Nolee

My Scene - Jammin' in Jamica Nolee

My Scene - Chelsea, series 1

My Scene - Masquerade Madness Chelsea

My Scene - Shopping Spree Delancey

My Scene - Totally Charmed Delancey
(got her 'nude' and with cut hair)

My Scene - Bling Boutique Nia
Other sets where this face can be found |