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This is my "office" where I sit and do this: writing for my homepage. The photo was taken before our computerized days, but now it stands right in the corner where the lamp hangs!

The pink files are filled with pictures of Barbie and patterns for her and Lissie's clothes.


On the top shelf are some of my favorite dolls, like the first three dolls in the Shani-line along with two of the Soul Train-girls, SuperStar Christie, Black Barbie, Wal-Mart SuperStar Barbie AA, Ultra Hair Whitney, Totally Hair Barbie AA and more.
  This is a view I have to my back right now. On this wall I will have some glass-cabinets eventually where I will put my loose dolls. Right now there's a tiny glasstable full of dolls:
A bunch of Kelly/Shelly with sisters Gift Sets and on the sidetable to the desk are some Repro-dolls along with some redressed loose girls -some in my designs and some in original outfits - and Quick Curl Kelley.

In front of the boxes on the glasstable are some of my Shelly-dolls with her Li'l Friends

A tiny closer view of some of the dolls on the new picture. Click it to see a much bigger pic. 


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  This girl is sitting on that topshelf too. It's actually my eldest daughter Sofie's doll, but she thought that this girl could be like a Guardian Angel and watch over me from above.

I made the dress in different red, orange and peach colors and as it was like made for her, I put her into it before she moved up there.

This girl with her R A I N B O W hair is '97 Hula Hair Barbie.

Click her photo to see a bigger one.


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