The Master Bedroom Page 1

Wet'n Wild Christie is chatting with the Malibu twins while Nikki is eavesdropping from the stairs.
To the right you see the openable doors that leads to the balcony. 
This is the topfloor of the house with the grownup bedroom to the right. The purple bed, drawer  and closet comes from a So Much To Do-set from early '90s. In front of the closet you can see a rockingchair (in which you see something green - it's a Liddle Kiddle that lost her legs along the way of being my childhood toy - but I didn't do it!!). By the stairs (you can see they are real stairs as Nikki is standing IN them) you see part of a wooden chest that is a Russian handcraft bought at a market one summer. To the left, ontop the pink drawer you can see an ' old' record-player, it's a pen-sharpener made of plastic and brass I think (or led). The horsebag in front is a key-chain from a Swedish Girls' Ponyclub several years ago.  

Here is a closeup of the things on the drawer. To the left is a Telephone Book (an old keychain I had as a teenager), in the middle a table phone and to the right is that old recordplayer.


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