Kelly/Shelly: Let's Play! 2004 Mattel released Kelly
dolls in Caucasian and AA versions in these new and bigger boxes with
©2004. They remind of the European Li'l Friends and Shelly Club sets in
99-01. A bigger, square box with a doll and extra accessories. In this set
Kelly/Shelly comes with a variety of Fisher Price toys and a teddy bear. The
content is the same in the sets. I can't get my head around how these sets
are assorted, if these are two or three in the same as there is a Beach Time
set with this set on the back, but that set is also marked for next year
with a Dress-Up Fun box as a second set. Anyway... More and detailed photos in my (Swedish) blog. © Dolls and photos all belong to me, unless otherwise noted.
Kelly/Shelly: Let's Play!, ©2004
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Kelly/Shelly AA
H0826 Kelly/Shelly Let's Play! AA,
Kelly/Shelly AA