Kelly/Shelly Club ©1999-1

First series of the ©1999-s gave Kelly Kollektors a bit of hunting rush. Not because we yet again had the Dress-Up girls or we got a Pilot Tommy. No, the hunt was all-in on the Bakers; Chelsie and Nia. They came with one of five different kitchen utensils. Imagine finding ten different dolls? And then add the European bigger set version of these dolls. I can't tell if the European bigger boxed Chelsie actually came with five different utensils, or if she only had the rolling pin. Anyway. Nia is back, as a Baker.

More and detailed photos in my (Swedish) blog.

© Dolls and photos all belong to me, unless otherwise noted.

Kelly/Shelly Club, ©1999
Asst. No. 16058 / Asst No. 17324 (AA)



20859 Shelly Club - Little Friend of Shelly - Dress-Up Kayla, ©1999



21641 Kelly Club - Dress-Up Deidre, ©1999



24593 Kelly Club - Lemonade Stand Maria, ©1999



24594 Kelly Club - Baker Chelsie, ©1999



24595 Shelly Club - Little Friend of Shelly - (Pilot) Tommy, ©1999



24605 Kelly Club - Baker Nia, ©1999


List by series | List by year
