The Supersize dolls that was first released in the 70's sort of looks like blownup versions of the Superstar dolls. The faces are similar to their 11" predecessors. I have three Supersize dolls on hand right now, Barbie, Christie and Pocahontas, all sharing the same body, Barbie and Christie also sharing head sculpt. These dolls were 18" tall (or 45 cm).  

Sometime during the 2000-2010's Mattel released some new and even bigger dolls, called BFF Barbie, as in Best Fashion Friend. These were 28 inch tall (75 cm). These came with different sculpts - blownup versions of the 11"/30 cm dolls.

In between these, there has been singing Disney dolls as well as Disney princess dolls made but I am unsure how many or how big. Somewhere in the span of 16" to 18", I guess.

In 2016 a doll called Endless Hair Kingdom Barbie was released. She is 17 inch (43 cm), with a rather small torso and articulated body with a huge head. I found the black version too, and she was made with a blown up Asha sculpt, even marked 1990 - which I find rather strange, as Mattel give new year markings for same sculpt in the regular Barbie size when they are, either blown up to playline, or made smaller to collector dolls. I guess back then, the sculpts got the same markings no matter the size so she of course kept her copyright year. I can't recall ever seeing a big (17-18") Asha faced Barbie before this one though.

Then we have the My Size dolls. 90 cm/3ft tall dolls with clothes and shoes that may fit a 3-year-old as well. Kids can share clothes with their favorite doll. These has been made in several versions over the years, with blonde hair, red hair, brown hair or black skin. The sculpt changed from a "Superstar" to a closed mouth. I would love to get my hands on a black closed mouth My Size. Shipping is insane today, so I wonder if that will ever happen.

I also have a big Marie Osmond doll, 30 inch/80 cm tall. She has great likeness to Marie.

Besides Barbie dolls, Monster High also have big doll versions but I am not showing any here, but I decided to add my Simba Snow White doll.


Copyright: 1976


#9828 Supersize Barbie, 1976


#11184 Bedtime Barbie AA, 1993


#9839 Supersize Christie, 1976


Copyright: 2013


#DKR09 Endless Hair Kingdom Barbie, 2015


EHK (AA/Asha)
Copyright: 1990


#DPK21 Endless Hair Kingdom Barbie, 2016
European version and box doesn't say Endless Hair Kingdom, but rather just Dreamtopia.

BFF Barbie



# Best Fashion Friend Barbie, 2015


Styling Head
Copyright: 2013


JPL62530 Barbie Flip & Reveal deluxe Styling Head, 2017


My Size Superstar smile



# My Size Bride Barbie


Marie Osmond



#9826 Marie Osmond Modeling Doll, 1976


Snow White

This doll is made by Simba and not Mattel, but being a 3ft doll, I wanted her represented here as well, even if she is hard to see.

Disney Princesses - Snow White



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