Fashion Queen Barbie is one of the most common vintage dolls to find in the (Swedish) second hand market - along with the Bubble Cut. This doll was created to give kids more choices. She came with a head with molded hair, painted brown and three wigs in different styles and colors. Barbie could be brunette, blonde or redheaded, whichever the mood of the day. This head also came in a separate pack - Wigs Wardrobe, without a body, for kids to switch the head and keep on playing.
Markings are inside the rim.

Fashion Queen
Copyright: 1958

Doll belongs to/photo taken by and used by permission from Rebecca Dahlquist


#870 Fashion Queen, 1962



Other sets with this head:
Fashion Queen Barbie and her Friends, Barbie and Ken Trosseau Gift Set, Wigs Wardrobe

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